Stop right there in the middle of your thought, you were probably judging me for writing this blog! I could bet that 97% of you that are reading this are probably thinking I am using this as a poor me blog. I'm not let me assure you of that. I just want each person that has the opportunity to read this to really look inside yourself and ask "why am I judging that person?" After all you can not judge a person for the actions s/he has taken because you do not know the trials that they have gone through or the options they were given in the beginning. You don't know what trials God has put them through to bring them to the cross roads they are in right now.
Stop looking at a person for what their physical body looks like, the way they talk, or the job they do. Some of people have had accidents that have caused their physical body to look less then ideal, others have medical problems that have distorted their bodies. Some people come from a different area and have different styles of communication, or a learning disability that makes them sound different. If a person has a job, any job, they are at least trying to make life a success just because it is a job that you wouldn't, or couldn't do don't judge them.
Why do we as fellow humans look down at others? What makes us better than the next person? Who is to say that our thoughts and actions are superior to another person's?
There comes a point in our life, each and every one of us is going to need help from somebody. Potentially, it could be that girl that you laughed at in school because she was a "nerd" and took all those science classes, and now she is the lead doctor developing the new class of drugs that are going to cure the disease you have. It could be that stupid jock that you hated being around in school but now he is the fire chief and is fighting the fire that is trying to destroy your home.
So, the next time you see that person sitting on the corner with a sign begging for help, reach into your pocket and hand them a couple dollars, they may be needing it to feed the child that is in the box next to them. Who knows that child could be the next Bill Gates and invent something that will make yours/mine life better. Don't judge that person because they are begging, consider the facts of the nation right now and the state the economy is in and the amount of jobs that so many people are over qualified for. There are employers out there who will not hire a person they consider to be over qualified even if that person is honestly just trying to find employment because the company they worked for prior went under and closed it's doors.
We are all created equal regardless of our gender, social class, employment, or physical shape. Start putting yourself in the other person's situation and ask yourself if you would enjoy somebody looking down at you, just the way you did.