31 October 2014

I'm a stay at home Mom...so what do I do all day?

Today I am pondering what exactly my "job description" entails?

I am a home owner. I am the scrubber, wiper, soaker, gardener, sweeper, and plumper.

I am a wife. I have nutritional intake to ponder, hydration to think about, ensure medical needs get met,  physical comfort to give and enjoy, emotional counselor, partner to help with property chores, encouraging friend, the reminder, and sounding board. I am the accountant, financial planner, and office manager.

I am a mother. I am a nutritionist, encourager, listen, advise giver, disciplinary (rarely thankfully), fight mediator, house keeper, taxi driver, appointment maker and keeper, cheerleader, supporter, hugger, holder, spiritual advisor, tutor, and hair curling braiding tycoon. I am the party planner, organizer, and gift giver.

I am a baby sitter. I ensure safety of other mothers' child(ren) often. Which often includes the same description as mother, but only for kids who are not my own.

I am a friend. I am a listener, confidant, sounding board, encourager, helper, and advise giver.

I am a full time college student. I have text books to read, papers to write, discussion to take part in, assignments to complete, and quizzes to stress over.

I am an aunt, sister, daughter, granddaughter, and cousin. I am a step mother, step daughter, sister in law, and step grandmother.

Mainly I am an unconditional love giving fool.

The next time I wonder if I am even remotely useful I will think about this "Job Description" and see that even though it may not look like much to other people I am a very busy person. I work hard to do what is best for my family, I strive to help others when I can and the best I can.

22 October 2014

Who Are You Working For?!?!

When people chose a career they usually chose something they love. However, those dreams and desires do not always work out and we are left to work in a field that is not necessarily our dream job.

Who do we work for?

Are we working for some domineering boss? Are we working for our own self? Are we working for the Lord?

Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men"

What a very powerful verse. When we go out to our job each day we need to bring glory to GOD, we need to set our self aside and work for the LORD not our bosses, not our friends, but we need to work as though we are doing HIS work. Sometimes this may mean that we do not get the promotion that we desire, because all things come in GOD's time. When God decides to rain the blessings down we will rejoice, but in the mean time we must wait, patiently, while giving glory to God.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven".

While at work we are to bring glory to God, just as Jesus was a servant we are to set aside our pride and "Make our own attitude that of Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:5.   We must do so without complaint.

No matter how mad we get at those we work with we need to set aside our anger ask God for patience, and trudge on working for the Lord. Bring glory to Him with our humble attitude and perseverance through the trials "consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing" James 1:2-4.

We must let go of pride and rejoice in being a humble man. "He says: "God resisted the proud, but gives grace to the humble" and  "don't criticize one another, brothers..."James 4:6, &11. Even when you are working with others who make you angry take a deep breathe regain your composer and teach them! Teach them the correct way, the safer way, and the smarter way. 
Source: Google image Search

Do not be critical of others, do not bring unhappiness when celebrating with others, do not be spiteful. Do not be mean. Be loving always, just as Jesus loves you, you also must love others. It is commanded from our Lord to love all men. Set aside yourself and go about working only for the LORD. 

01 October 2014

Fall..My favorite time..some Gratitude!

It's October and my favorite time of year has kicked off. The the trees are changing colors, the bugs are going into hiding, but best of all it's the Holiday Season. Halloween for pretending just for one day that we are something else, Thanksgiving for be appreciative (openly) for what we have, and best of all CHRISTMAS!

I know, I know why am I looking so far forward? Why it's only October first and I am already thinking about December 25th. December 25th is a glorious day, it is the day that our Savior was born. There is only one other day in history that means so much and that comes in the Spring; EASTER.

I got busy yesterday and put up the little Halloween clings on the windows of the house. This morning I went outside and plucked tomatoes off the plants, found some chilies and jalapenos as well. We have onions bigger than my fists coming out of the ground.  God has blessed us this year with a amazing bounty of produce from the garden. I have discovered some different recipes for Yellow Squash and Zucchini Squash that are amazing so I have been prepping plenty of squashes for the freezer for later use this winter.

As we come into this fall weather remember to take time for yourself to enjoy some down time, and some along time with God. For He is the Word.