24 August 2014

Communication...what's that?

As a previous post mentioned I deactivated Facebook. I am out of the loop of the happenings of the world. The school staff forget to send home notes to notify parents of changes in sport schedules because they posted it on Facebook. Family post news on Facebook but forget to tell everybody else. I am deeply saddened by the fact that so many people rely on Social Media to spread the good, the bad, and the indifferent news.

What happened to picking up the phone?

What happened to penning a letter? 

Here's what happened when I deactivated:

 Nobody noticed for over a week.

Some didn't notice for three weeks.

Some still haven't noticed.

When I am asked why did you deactivate?  My response:

I want real life, face to face interactions with those I love and care for.

I want to have dinner with my friends. I want to see my family in person. I want to go to bbq's and birthday parties. I want to talk on the phone and hear the good news with the excitement in the person's voice. I want to know that there is more to life then the screen in front of me.

What's my next adventure?  Calling people instead of just texting them. I want to bring back personal relationships in my life.

Here's what I have observed with text messaging:

People feel they can ignore the message as if they never received it.
People get mixed up about the tone behind the message and may misinterpret the meaning. We forget that sarcasm does not translate into text (face expressions, and body language are missing).
Messages get lost in cyberspace and there is a delay in delivering. Cell phones malfunctions. People hide behind the screen and say things they may never say face to face. There is a total disregard to feelings and thoughts when the speaker/text sender does not have to see the facial expressions of the hurt feelings.

Human interactions is a dying way of life.

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