02 July 2014

Learning...What am I Learning?

Learn to look to the Cross
I am learning to let go and let God.
I am learning that even though I am angry I have to let go.
That does not mean that I cannot use my anger for something good.
I am learning that I am not alone in this journey of life, I was put here to work as a guide for other who need assistance in walking a path they find difficult. But most importantly my Lord and SAVIOR is walking my journey with me. Matthew 28:20 "...I am with you always, to the end of the age." I am never alone.
The last few days I have been hurting emotionally and literally cried myself to sleep. I was hurt that I can ask for help from others and feel that my request has fallen on deaf ears. What I failed to do was take my request to my Lord. I failed to remember that He said "Ask and you shall receive" Matthew 7:7. I have to remember that God's will is done in God's time. So while I may have set goals for myself and the growth in my business I have to be patient, I have to have faith that God has a plan for me. I have to remember that in time when it is right God will provide. So for now I will focus on finishing up my research paper, fighting to pass algebra class, and learning to remember to have faith even if it is is the size of a mustard seed it is still faith (Matthew 17:20).

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