Even a pure fiction novel made into a movie can affect the heart. I read the novel "The Fault in Our Stars" loved the book, enjoyed the characters didn't think much more about it. Until I went to the theater to see it in the big screen.
That's when it hit home right square in the heart.
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Spoiler alert:
When Augustus Waters is on the final days of his life he and Hazel are out at the bones park. Gus is sad because he doesn't believe he is going to leave a legacy behind. It's at this moment Hazel tells him he is wrong, she loves him, his family loves him, and if he thinks that isn't important than he basically doesn't get it.
It was at this moment, as I'm sitting next to my husband, I got it. As sad as I was when I felt like I had no friends it doesn't matter. My kids love me, and my husband adores me. I really don't need much more than that. I have a few friends that are truly friends. We may not live in the same town but I get the random comments of encouragement, and the occasional pin sent to me that reminds me they are truly in my corner.
I may not have a scores of buddies to go hang out with, but I have those few that mean the world to me. I have seen even my family turn and high tail it way while I was in the midst of my inner battle of loneliness. Haven't spoke to a few for over a month, those few who gave up and walked away when I was at my worse, those few who showed who they really are.
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