03 August 2014

How can I not be anxious?

I'm so conflicted these days.

My faith is being tested at every turn.

I'm tired.

I'm worried.  

                 Mostly I'm scared.  

Scared of the unknown,  how's my life going to be changed in the near future;  good or bad?
I know two men who are going in for cardiac procedures this coming week. Two incredibly wise men whose presences in the lives of their family is highly important.  Two men who are fathers,  grandfathers,  mostly husbands.  

God knows who they are if you'll pray for them.
Google image search

One in particular is vital to me; I am petrified. Fear of the unknown is paralyzing, evil creeps in filling my mind with thoughts of what if...

I have to step forward on the landing of faith, and remain there. I have to stop second guessing my Father and know that He is there I have to trust in Him.

Faith is a pillow to rest my weary head. Sinking into fear is the easy part. It is leaning on my faith that is hard. I am stuck on the corner of Faith and Fear fighting to go towards Faith with Fear pulling me back in.

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