12 August 2014

Presence is a present....

I have watched many different gathering over the course of the last few months. My observations are that even though we are physically present at a function doesn't mean that our mind is present. Going out to dinner with my husband has been interesting; usually involves him playing solitaire on his phone.  I will not claim innocence with this negative behavior, but I noticed I was checking Facebook or playing jewel mania more then I was having a conversation with my family.That's when I made a choice to stop. I want to be present for the meal, I want to be present for the conversations.
Google image search


Look around you the next time you are out dinning with family or friends, maybe you too are guilty, how many people are grossly involved with their phones? How many are texting, or checking a social media platform, email, or reading blogs? 

What happened to human interactions? What happened to giving others the gift of your presences when at a social gathering? I sat at the table in my kitchen this last weekend and watched...more often than not somebody has a cell phone in front of them that they were using in some manner. Conversations were very little.
Google image search
No matter what function be there, be present, make a point to be part of it no matter what. Put the phone away.
Yesterday is gone, 
tomorrow is not guaranteed,
once this moment is gone
it's gone that is why today is called the
present...it's a gift from God.  

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