Today's fast paced world where everybody is rushing to wait. Speed up between stop lights only to get stuck at the next red light. Hurry to pass the cars in front of you only to get slowed down in the construction too.
I am sitting here in my little space at home watching the rain drip off the eaves of the house and the cars jetting past on the highway wondering when, why, and how I too got caught up in the rush of life? When did I stop noticing all the purple alfalfa flowers growing in the neighbors lots? How did I not see how fast my kids are growing and maturing? Why am I letting myself feel so rushed to finish my meals, with limited savoring? When was the last time I laid down in grass and tried to discover shapes in the clouds? A favor pastime I had as child but have never experienced with my children. Life is not about getting to the finish line first, but life is about enjoyment of what God has made and giving glory and thanks to Him for it.
Life is not about wasting away trying to impress those around us. Seriously they aren't paying attention anyways because they too are rushing around trying to impress others. Life should be enjoying the time of those we are blessed to know, and not trying so hard to be liked.
I deactivated FACEBOOK (gasp...loud awkward silences...sighs of denial) and it has take over a week for anybody to realize I am not there. I no longer am liking their status updates, or commenting on their pictures. I am not longer just an instant message away. The people in their own little worlds hoping for likes and comments don't even realize when somebody slips away. People are so wrapped up in their own worlds they don't see the hurting people around them. I am fine with the fact that no one has noticed I missing from facebook I have come to realize, as you know in a previous post, that I am loved. I am cherished by my husband, children, and a friend or two. Those are the ones that important they make me feel important to them and that is what matters.
I realized the time had come that I was referencing so many posts or was no longer surprised at news that others thought was important or exciting because I seen it on facebook. I know longer get together with my friends because we do not have any news to share in person with each other because we are blasting everything on facebook. What happened to going out and meeting somebody for coffee/tea/soda/icecream/ice water or a walk in the park? What happened to dialing a phone number and having a conversation with another person hearing the tone of their voice, or intake of breath as they are waiting to excitedly tell you news? Where did the family/friends bar-b-ques go where everybody gets together and enjoys the company of others?
Why are so many relationships only kept together via social media? Well I am ending the pain of disappointment and lack of personal relationships. I am not going to rely on facebook to tell me what is going in the lives of those who think they are friends. I want more. I want to meet others, and see their faces. I want to annoy the service staff at restaurants because we are enjoying our food and the company that made the meal possible. I want real life friendships.
What about all the events that are only planned through facebook events?
What about the invites to such things, if I don't have a facebook account how am I going to know?. If my presences is truly desired please feel free to pick up the phone and give me a ring.